
Wednesday 14 April 2021

Glentui Camp - Year 7's - April

Written by Emily and Lottie (year 7s). 

 Y7 Camp!

On Wednesday the Yr 7s went to Glentui for this year's school camp. Once we got in the cars we were bursting with excitement and a little bit of nervousness. 


When we got there we got allocated to our bunkrooms, we freaked out a little bit because of all the spiders and insects but when we eventually got them out we went into the dining hall for some rules to be laid down. Our camp was on the edge of a cliff, and with a great view of the mountains and the forestry. 


For our first activity we travelled the Ashley Bridge, it took 30 minutes, it was a loop, we drove from camp to the destination then Ms. Holland started the walk for us then she went the wrong way, then Emily's mum Kirsty and Aisling mum Joh led the rest of the way. We also came across a bird watching station and a Fantail visited us there it was following us! We had a lot of Fantail and other birds (Maybe Bellbirds). 

The next day my group (Holly E, Anna, Emily, Logan, Anya Ailsling, Paityn, and I) first had river crossing. The water was so forbiddingly cold!  When we got to a waterfall with a large lake, some people slid down the waterfall, and some jumped off the cliff into the cliff. I jumped off and the cold water shocked me and I almost couldn’t swim up, it was that wintery. -Lottie. I swam in the lake - Emily.  In the end no one could feel their toes. 

After lunch we did abseiling, (which is Latin for ropedown) which is basically climbing down a cliff. I at first had a look and then I went down I cried going down a ¼ of the way. -Lottie. I was very panicked at how high it was. - Emily.  

The next activity was bubbles, giant plastic bubbles when we got inside them they were hot, we did sumo wrestling, a race, and we rolled down the hill in them. Ms. Holland rolled down the hill as well. 

Then we did some team building but before we did that we had a cupcake break. 

The theme was that we were secret spurs defusing a bomb, we did skiing, lava jumps, then we got the bomb out by using tent pegs and 2 ropes. Then the actual bomb was vinegar and baking soda. 


For dinner we had spaghetti bolognese, it was delicious! We had Ice cream with a chosen sauce and some people had baking. 

The next day for breakfast we had an option of toast, cereal or rice bubbles, we could also have peaches. We were all tired from the lack of sleep and the morporkes and stags making a racket. I had rice bubbles and peaches - Emily I had 2 pieces of toast, one with butter, and 1 with marmite. -Lottie. And for lunch we had nachos. They were nice and warm, especially after river crossing in the cold lake. 

And we also had cupcakes after 

Pack up

At the end  we had to pack up, using vacuum cleaners and wiping the ping pong tables. We had to pack up our stuff and put in the car, getting ready for the drive back.

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